Calvin Verbeek在加拿大St. Albert受审,罪名是指着枪和威胁两名入侵者,声称自卫。 Calvin Verbeek on trial in St. Albert, Canada, for pointing a firearm and threatening two trespassers, claiming self-defense.
Calvin Verbeek在加拿大St. Albert受审,他被控用枪指着枪并威胁他,据称他用猎枪在农村财产上与两名非法闯入者对峙。 Calvin Verbeek is on trial in St. Albert, Canada, facing charges of pointing a firearm and making threats after he allegedly confronted two trespassers on his rural property with a shotgun. 这些人作证说,Verbeek威胁他们,而他声称,由于所察觉的危险,他采取自卫行动。 The men testified that Verbeek threatened them, while he claims he acted in self-defense due to perceived danger. 他的辩护方认为这些人的证词不可靠,而检方则认为 Verbeek 寻求对抗。 His defense argues the men’s testimony is unreliable, while the prosecution contends Verbeek sought confrontation. 预计将于9月23日作出裁决。 A ruling is expected on September 23.