加拿大采矿公司Teck Resources进行了结构调整,将重点放在铜矿上,退出煤炭工业。 Canadian mining firm Teck Resources restructures to focus on copper, exits coal industry.
加拿大采矿公司Teck Resources向一个纯能的能源过渡金属公司过渡,拥有新的商业结构,侧重于铜的增长。 Canadian mining firm Teck Resources transitions into a pure-play energy transition metals company with new business structure, focused on growth in copper. 该公司在两个区域单位(北美洲、拉丁美洲)下运作,目的是优化安全、效率和可持续性,同时利用有利可图的增长机会。 Operating under two regional units (North America, Latin America), the company aims to optimize safety, efficiency, and sustainability, while capitalizing on profitable growth opportunities. Teck 最近退出了煤炭行业,将其在 Elk Valley Resources 77% 的股份出售给了瑞士公司 Glencore。 Teck recently exited the coal industry, selling its 77% interest in Elk Valley Resources to Swiss firm Glencore.