泰克资源公司报告称,由于炼钢煤炭销量增加和铜产量创纪录,第四季度利润增长至 4.83 亿美元。 Teck Resources reported a Q4 profit rise to $483m, driven by increased steelmaking coal sales and record copper production.
泰克资源公司报告称,第四季度股东应占利润增长了 4.83 亿美元,即稀释后每股收益 92 美分,而去年同期为 2.66 亿美元,即稀释后每股收益 51 美分。 Teck Resources reported a Q4 profit rise, attributable to shareholders, of $483m or 92 cents per diluted share compared to $266m or 51 cents per diluted share a year earlier. 在此期间,这家总部位于温哥华的矿业公司炼钢用煤销量增加,铜产量创历史新高。 The Vancouver-based mining company saw an increase in steelmaking coal sales and a record amount of copper production during this period. 截至 12 月 31 日的季度收入总计 41.1 亿美元,高于去年同期的 31.4 亿美元。 Revenue for the quarter ended Dec. 31 totaled $4.11bn, up from $3.14bn in the previous year.