8月,在VP Kamala Harris加入总统竞选后,美国民主党的消费者情绪有所好转,导致指数上升67.9。 In August, US consumer sentiment among Democrats improved after VP Kamala Harris joined the presidential race, resulting in a 67.9 index increase.
8月,根据密歇根大学的一项研究,美国消费者情绪,特别是民主党的消费者情绪,在VP Kamala Harris加入总统竞选后大有提升。 In August, US consumer sentiment, particularly among Democrats, saw a significant boost after VP Kamala Harris joined the presidential race, according to a study by the University of Michigan. 该指数上升到67.9,反映了美国人短期和长期经济前景的改善。 The index rose to 67.9, reflecting improved short-term and long-term economic outlook for Americans. 消费者情绪的转变与历史趋势一致, 支持当权政党的支持者通常比反对派更看好经济。 The consumer sentiment shift aligned with historical trends, where party-in-power supporters usually view the economy more favorably than the opposition. 哈里斯加入竞选 增加了民主党人赢得白宫的希望 民意调查显示她在关键战地州 领先或与特朗普有联系 Harris's entry into the race increased Democrats' hopes of winning the White House, with polls showing her leading or tied with Trump in key battleground states.