新西兰心理健康部长Matt Doocey宣布改变警方对心理健康征召的反应, New Zealand's Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey announced changes to police response to mental health callouts, focusing on minimizing police presence in low to moderate risk incidents.
新西兰心理健康部长Matt Doocey宣布改变警方对心理健康征召的对策,重点是确保个人从适当的专业人员那里得到适当的护理。 New Zealand's Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey announced changes to police response to mental health callouts, with a focus on ensuring individuals receive the right care from the right professionals. 新西兰卫生部和新西兰警察的过渡计划定于2024年11月开始,重点是在低度至中度风险事件中尽量减少警察的存在。 A transition plan by Health NZ and NZ Police is set to begin in November 2024, with a focus on minimizing police presence in low to moderate risk incidents. 这些改革旨在加强以心理健康为主导的应对危机者的措施,由适当人员提供适当支持,并释放警察资源,用于核心警务工作。 The changes aim to strengthen mental health-led responses for those in crisis, providing appropriate support by the appropriate people, and freeing up police resources for core policing duties.