前总统特朗普的暗杀未遂者将他在宾夕法尼亚州的集会视为“机会的目标”,并且有心理健康问题的历史。 Former President Trump's attempted assassin viewed his Pennsylvania rally as a "target of opportunity" and had a history of mental health issues.
美国联邦调查局透露试图暗杀前总统特朗普的枪手将宾夕法尼亚竞选集会视为"机会的目标". FBI reveals gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Trump viewed the Pennsylvania campaign rally as a "target of opportunity". 此人先前曾在网上搜索特朗普和乔·拜登总统的节目。 The individual had previously searched online for events featuring both Trump and President Joe Biden. 枪手的动机仍然不明 但联邦调查局的调查显示 他有心理健康问题的历史 特别关心暴力事件 The shooter's motive remains unclear, but the FBI's investigation suggests he had a history of mental health issues and a particular interest in violent events.