前杰克逊保镖否认性虐待,将法律问题的压力归咎于2009年歌手死亡。 Former Jackson bodyguard denies sexual abuse, attributes stress from legal matters to singer's death in 2009.
迈克尔·杰克逊 (Michael Jackson) 的前保镖比尔·惠特菲尔德 (Bill Whitfield) 分享了他对这位歌手之死的看法,否认了性虐待指控,并表示杰克逊在去世前的几周内“虚弱”。 Former bodyguard of Michael Jackson, Bill Whitfield, shares his views on the singer's death, denying sexual abuse allegations and stating that Jackson was "frail" in the weeks leading up to his death. Whitfield指出 诉讼、审判和公众期望的压力 可能促成了Jackson的去世 Whitfield suggests that stress from lawsuits, trial, and public expectations may have contributed to Jackson's passing. 杰克逊于2009年死于50岁,死于由医生治疗的镇静剂和丙诺酚的致命结合,医生后来被判定犯有非自愿过失杀人罪。 Jackson died in 2009 at the age of 50 from a lethal combination of sedatives and propofol administered by his doctor, who was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter.