76 岁的 OJ 辛普森去世 76-year-old OJ Simpson passed away
前 NFL 球星、演员、海斯曼奖得主 OJ Simpson 因在 1995 年谋杀前妻 Nicole Brown Simpson 及其朋友 Ronald Goldman 的案件中被判无罪而闻名,他因前列腺癌去世,享年 76 岁。 Former NFL star, actor, and Heisman Trophy winner OJ Simpson, known for his acquittal in the 1995 murder trial of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman, passed away at the age of 76 due to prostate cancer. 1994 年,辛普森前妻及其朋友遭持刀杀害的惨剧严重影响了辛普森的生活和事业。 Simpson's life and career were significantly impacted by the infamous 1994 knife slayings of his ex-wife and her friend. 辛普森后来在另一场民事审判中被判对两名男子的死亡负有责任,并因无关的指控被判入狱九年。 Simpson was later found liable for the deaths in a separate civil trial and served nine years in prison for unrelated charges.