2025年开工,600M元预算,新的温哥华美术馆大楼,2028年之后延迟至未具体说明的时间。 2025 construction start, $600M budget, new Vancouver Art Gallery building delayed to unspecified time after 2028.
温哥华美术馆的新建筑最初估计为400万美元,由于费用不断攀升,已增加到600万美元。 Vancouver Art Gallery's new building construction, initially estimated at $400M, has increased to $600M due to escalating costs. 该项目的时间表被推迟,预计新的开始日期将于2025年,现在的开工时间定在2028年以后,时间未定。 The project's timeline has been delayed, with a new start date expected in 2025, and the opening now set for an unspecified time beyond 2028. 艺术画廊主任Anthony Kiendl正在寻求艺术界、电影界和大学界的支持,以分担费用,并正与建筑师Herzog & de Meuron合作进行节省成本的修订。 Art Gallery Director Anthony Kiendl is seeking support from the arts, film, and university communities to share the costs and is working on cost-saving revisions with architects Herzog & de Meuron.