87岁的妇女死于Co Donegal汽车碰撞;奥地利男子被控危险驾驶。 87-year-old woman dies in Co Donegal car collision; Austrian man charged with dangerous driving.
87岁的妇女在爱尔兰科多内加尔发生两辆汽车碰撞后死亡。 87-year-old woman dies after a two-car collision in Co Donegal, Ireland. Martin Mittmansgruber, 50岁,奥地利男子,被控危险驾驶;在莱特肯尼地区法院出庭,请求将Donegal镇的案件延期至11月6日。 Martin Mittmansgruber, a 50-year-old Austrian man, charged with dangerous driving; appeared in Letterkenny District Court, requesting an adjournment until November 6 for the case in Donegal Town. 如果准予保释,Mittmansgruber必须亲自出庭,保持良好行为,并且通过电话和电子邮件与Gardaí保持联系。 If granted bail, Mittmansgruber must appear in court personally, remain of good behavior, and remain contactable by phone and email with gardaí. 检察长正在考虑增加指控。 Additional charges are being considered by the Director of Public Prosecutions.