17 岁的威廉·马歇尔三世 (William Marshall III) 是 17 岁安吉洛·利特尔 (Angelo Little) 致命枪击案的嫌疑人,霍华德县警方以一级谋杀罪通缉。 17-year-old William Marshall III, a suspect in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Angelo Little, is sought by Howard County police for first-degree murder.
17 岁的威廉·马歇尔三世 (William Marshall III) 是哥伦比亚购物中心 (Columbia Mall) 枪杀 17 岁安吉洛·利特尔 (Angelo Little) 的嫌疑人,霍华德县警方正在以一级谋杀和相关罪名通缉。 17-year-old William Marshall III, a suspect in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Angelo Little at Columbia Mall, is being sought by Howard County police for first-degree murder and related charges. 杀人动机仍然不明。 A motive for the killing remains unclear. 对于导致Marshall被捕的情报,可给予最高10 000美元的奖励;他可能与Wiscomico地区有联系。 A reward of up to $10,000 is offered for information leading to Marshall's arrest; he may have ties to the Wicomico area.