美援署在加纳组织了一次24M安全鱼类专题讨论会,以恢复沿海渔业、培训妇女鱼类加工工和改善海洋养护。 USAID organizes a $24M Safe Fish Symposium in Ghana to restore coastal fisheries, train women fish processors, and improve ocean conservation.
美国国际开发署(美援署)在加纳组织了一次安全鱼类专题讨论会,为恢复加纳沿海渔业和改善沿海海洋养护提供了2 400万美元的资金。 The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has organized a Safe Fish Symposium in Ghana, providing $24 million in funding to restore Ghana's coastal fisheries and improve ocean conservation along the coast. 该倡议旨在为加纳人促进高质量、卫生的鱼类,有3 500多名女性鱼类加工商和贸易商接受了有关鱼类卫生处理、加工、金融扫盲和创业的培训。 The initiative aims to promote high-quality, hygienic fish for Ghanaians, with over 3,500 women fish processors and traders trained in hygienic fish handling, processing, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship. 专题讨论会的重点是渔业价值链管理、监管框架和鱼类食品安全关切方面的进展,包括亲手示范和烹饪展览,以展示适当的处理和加工方法。 The symposium focused on advancements in fisheries value chain management, regulatory frameworks, and fish food safety concerns, and included hands-on demonstrations and cooking exhibitions to showcase proper handling and processing methods.