格鲁吉亚国家芭蕾舞团在伦敦以传统的天鹅湖表演形式出现。 The State Ballet of Georgia debuted in London with a traditional Swan Lake performance.
格鲁吉亚国家芭蕾舞团在伦敦以传统的天鹅湖表演形式首次出现,突出了该公司的Bolshoi芭蕾舞团根部和艺术导演Nina Ananiashvili的远见。 The State Ballet of Georgia debuted in London with a traditional Swan Lake performance, highlighting the company's Bolshoi Ballet roots and artistic director Nina Ananiashvili's vision. 制作时特别表现突出的是个人表演,特别是尼诺·萨马达什维利和奥列格·利海的表演,格鲁吉亚芭蕾团是一出盛大的表演。 The production featured strong individual performances, particularly from Nino Samadashvili and Oleg Lihai, with the Georgian corps de ballet as a standout. 然而,该节目缺乏一些戏剧性的激烈程度,可能没有充分表达柴科夫斯基得分的浪漫方面。 However, the show lacked some dramatic intensity and may have fallen short in fully conveying the romantic aspect of Tchaikovsky's score. 尽管存在这些因素,格鲁吉亚伦敦首演国家芭蕾舞团仍然令人目光深刻,并赞扬它精辟地对待舞蹈学。 Despite these elements, the State Ballet of Georgia's London debut was visually stunning and praised for its nuanced approach to choreography.