格鲁吉亚立法者处理2021年以来监狱人员不足、暴力和981名囚犯死亡等问题。 Georgia lawmakers address prison understaffing, violence, and 981 inmate deaths since 2021.
格鲁吉亚立法者正在处理目前国家监狱中人员不足、暴力和死亡等问题。 Georgia lawmakers are addressing ongoing issues of understaffing, violence, and deaths within the state's prisons. 自2021年以来,共有981名囚犯死亡,仅今年就报告了207人。 Since 2021, 981 inmate deaths have occurred, with 207 reported this year alone. 高雇员更替率、因犯罪活动而被捕、猖獗的违禁手机和毒品使情况更加恶化。 High employee turnover, arrests for criminal activity, and rampant contraband cellphones and drugs have exacerbated the situation. 正在考虑的可能解决办法包括改进技术、监狱的物质条件和囚犯职业方案。 Possible solutions being considered include improving technology, the physical condition of prisons, and occupational programs for prisoners.