美国监狱人口老龄化凸显监狱设施不足和改革的必要性。 Aging U.S. prison population highlights inadequacy of prison facilities and need for reforms.
美国监狱人口正在迅速老龄化,许多囚犯现在面临着监狱系统通常无法满足的老年和健康挑战。 The U.S. prison population is rapidly aging, with many prisoners now facing older age and health challenges not typically catered for in prison systems. 囚犯的迅速老龄化引发了人们对监狱设施和服务是否充足的担忧,而这些设施和服务的设计并未考虑到这些不断变化的人口统计数据。 This rapid graying of inmates raises concerns about the adequacy of prison facilities and services, which were not designed with these changing demographics in mind. 随着设施努力适应,它凸显了改革的必要性,以满足监狱人口老龄化的需求。 As facilities struggle to adapt, it highlights the need for reforms to address the needs of an aging prison population.