Fremont警察局和Nebraska州巡警在20街和Broad街交叉口调查致命事故。 Fremont Police and Nebraska State Patrol investigate fatal accident at 20th and Broad streets intersection.
Fremont警察局和Nebraska州巡警目前正在调查星期三下午在20街和Broad街交叉口发生的一起致命事故。 Fremont Police and Nebraska State Patrol are currently investigating a fatal accident that occurred on Wednesday afternoon at 20th and Broad streets intersection. 初步调查确定坠机造成人员伤亡,导致内布拉斯加州国家巡逻队参与其中。 The preliminary investigation determined the crash resulted in a fatality, prompting the involvement of the Nebraska State Patrol. 建议机动车手在正在进行的调查中避开该地区,以后将提供进一步详情。 Motorists are advised to avoid the area during the ongoing investigation, and further details will be provided later.