堪萨斯州公路巡警调查在格林斯堡以西的致命坠机事故 车辆飞上飞机并滚动。 Kansas Highway Patrol investigates fatal crash west of Greensburg after vehicle went airborne and rolled.
堪萨斯公路巡逻队正在调查 发生在堪萨斯州格林斯堡以西 周六晚上9点左右的 一起致命事故 The Kansas Highway Patrol is investigating a fatal crash that occurred around 9 p.m. on Saturday west of Greensburg, Kansas. 这辆汽车在54号美国时向东行驶, 驶离公路,撞上一个野外入口, 飞上飞机,并多次滚动。 The vehicle was traveling east on U.S. 54 when it veered off the road, struck a field entrance, went airborne, and rolled multiple times. 该车辆最后进入东北面的一个田地。 The vehicle ended up in a field facing northeast. 随着调查的继续,尚未掌握有关该事件的更多详情。 Further details about the incident are not yet available as the investigation continues.