Dubuque's The Jule在2024-2025年为大学生提供免费交通, Dubuque's The Jule offers free transit for college students in 2024-2025, extending the program's second year.
Dubuque,IA公共过境系统, " Jule ",为2024-2025学年就读地方院校的大学生提供免费搭乘,这是该方案连续第二年实施。 Dubuque, IA public transit system, The Jule, provides free rides for college students attending local institutions during the 2024-2025 academic year, marking the second consecutive year of the program. 该倡议旨在增加无障碍环境,鼓励学生到城市寻找购物、娱乐、餐饮、娱乐和就业机会。 The initiative aims to increase accessibility and encourage students to explore the city for shopping, entertainment, dining, recreation, and job opportunities. 学生必须出示本学年有效的大学身份证,才能获得免费驾车资格。 Students must present a valid college ID for the current academic year to qualify for the free rides.