2017 年针对《纽约时报》的涉及莎拉·佩林的诽谤诉讼由于审判法官的错误,现在批准了新的审判。 2017 defamation lawsuit against The New York Times involving Sarah Palin now granted a new trial due to trial judge errors.
前阿拉斯加州州长萨拉·佩林在针对《纽约时报》的诽谤诉讼案中获得了新的审判。 Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been granted a new trial in her defamation lawsuit against The New York Times. 2017年的社论错误地将佩林与2011年亚利桑那州大规模枪击事件联系起来。 The 2017 editorial in question incorrectly linked Palin to a 2011 mass shooting in Arizona. 第二个美国。 The 2nd U.S. 上诉法院巡回审判庭认定,初审法官Jed Rakoff在原审判期间的裁决,包括排除证据和错误地指示陪审员,玷污了陪审团的裁决,有利于《泰晤士报》。 Circuit Court of Appeals found that trial judge Jed Rakoff's decisions during the original trial, including excluding evidence and instructing jurors incorrectly, tainted the jury's verdict in favor of the Times. 由于各种错误和对陪审团决定的潜在影响,法院现在将下令重新审判。 The court will now order a new trial due to the various errors and potential impact on the jury's decision.