雷诺兹和希金斯诽谤案返回法庭。 Reynolds and Higgins defamation case returns to court.
前政治工作人员布列塔尼·希金斯(Brittany Higgins)和她的搭档大卫·沙拉兹(David Sharaz)针对自由党参议员琳达·雷诺兹(Linda Reynolds)提起的诽谤案已返回法庭,在可能的审判之前确定关键日期。 The defamation case against Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds by former political staffer Brittany Higgins and her partner, David Sharaz, has returned to court for key dates determination ahead of a potential trial. 雷诺兹正在起诉希金斯和沙拉兹,指控其社交媒体帖子损害了她的声誉。 Reynolds is suing Higgins and Sharaz over social media posts that allegedly damaged her reputation. 双方律师确定自 7 月 24 日起为期六周的临时审判日期。 Lawyers for the parties came to a provisional trial date of six weeks from July 24. 马库斯·所罗门法官对审判造成的人力成本表示担忧,敦促双方在法庭审理前共同努力解决此事。 Justice Marcus Solomon has expressed concerns about the human cost of a trial, urging the parties to work together to resolve the matter before it goes to court.