集体安全条约组织处理中亚和南高加索的区域紧张局势,援引西方影响和尚未解决的领土争端。 CSTO addresses regional tensions in Central Asia and South Caucasus, citing Western influence and unresolved territorial disputes.
集体安全条约组织由六个后苏联国家组成,处理中亚和南高加索的区域紧张局势,指出西方影响和尚未解决的领土争端是挑战。 The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) of six post-Soviet states addresses regional tensions in Central Asia and South Caucasus, citing Western influence and unresolved territorial disputes as challenges. 集体安全条约组织成立于2002年,禁止成员加入其他军事联盟。 The CSTO, founded in 2002, prohibits members from joining other military alliances. 今年秋天,将在哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦举行军事演习,重点是联合防御和遵守国际准则。 This fall, military drills will be held in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, focusing on joint defense and adhering to international norms.