在肯尼亚被捕的68岁的退休警官据称在一次争吵中向他的妻子开枪。 68-year-old retired police officer arrested in Kenya for allegedly shooting his wife during an argument.
68岁的退休高级警官和前国家奥林匹克委员会官员Stephen Kiptanui Soi在肯尼亚纳罗克被捕,据称在一次分歧中,他向他的妻子Juliet Chepkorir Maritim律师Juliet Chepkorir Maritim开枪。 68-year-old retired senior police officer and former National Olympic Committee official, Stephen Kiptanui Soi, was arrested in Narok, Kenya after allegedly shooting his wife, advocate Juliet Chepkorir Maritim, during a disagreement. Maritim左大腿中枪受伤,并被稳定地送入当地一家医院。 Maritim sustained a gunshot wound to her left thigh and was admitted to a local hospital in stable condition. 侦探在 Soi 的卧室里发现了一把带有弹匣的 Ceska 枪支,并计划指控他谋杀未遂。 Detectives found a Ceska firearm in Soi's bedroom with ammunition magazines, and plan to charge him with attempted murder.