55 岁的约翰·斯塔姆林 (John Stumlin) 因一级故意杀人罪和藏匿尸体的初步听证会被推迟进行能力考试。 55-year-old John Stumlin's preliminary hearing for 1st Degree Intentional Homicide and Hiding a Corpse is delayed for a competency exam.
55岁的John Stumlin被控杀害68岁的Daniel Riordan并将尸体藏在威斯康星州的La Crosse, 其预审被推迟。 55-year-old John Stumlin, accused of killing 68-year-old Daniel Riordan and hiding the body in La Crosse, Wisconsin, has had his preliminary hearing delayed. La Cross县巡回法院法官Scott Horne已下令于9月18日举行斯图姆林能力考试,之后法官将考虑保释。 La Crosse County Circuit Court judge Scott Horne has ordered a competency exam for Stumlin, scheduled for September 18, after which the judge will consider bail. Stumlin面临一级故意杀人和藏匿尸体的重罪指控。 Stumlin faces felony charges of 1st Degree Intentional Homicide and Hiding a Corpse.