Braelon Stubenfield 30岁 承认刺杀Charles "Bam" Watson后 以死刑谋杀罪被捕 Braelon Stubenfield, 30, arrested for capital murder after admitting to fatally stabbing Charles "Bam" Watson.
North Little Rock警方逮捕了30岁的Braelon Stubenfield, 罪名是因12月12日刺杀Charles "Bam" Watson, North Little Rock police arrested 30-year-old Braelon Stubenfield on charges of capital murder in connection with the fatal stabbing of Charles "Bam" Watson on December 12th. 沃森38岁, 星期六因受伤而去世. Watson, 38, died from his injuries on Saturday. Stubenfield承认在打架后刺伤了Watson Stubenfield admitted to stabbing Watson after a fight. 他被关押在Pulaski县区域拘留中心,没有保释金。 He is being held without bond at the Pulaski County Regional Detention Center.