2岁女孩在PA华盛顿县进行了3.5小时的搜索之后发现安全。 2-year-old girl found safe after 3.5 hours of search efforts in Washington County, PA.
2岁女孩在宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿县进行了3.5小时的搜索之后,发现安全。 2-year-old girl found safe after 3.5 hours of search efforts in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Stockdale消防局和多个机构广泛搜寻了在艾伦波特的家中失踪的失踪儿童。 Stockdale Fire Department and multiple agencies conducted an extensive search for the missing child who had gone missing from her home in Allenport. K-9、热无人驾驶飞机、水救援队和直升机参与了搜索行动,结果发现儿童,作为预防措施送入医院。 K-9s, thermal drones, water rescue units, and helicopters were involved in the search operation, which led to the child being found and taken to the hospital as a precaution.