65岁前校长David Pickthall被控在41年中对19名受害人犯有37起儿童性犯罪。 65-year-old ex-choirmaster David Pickthall charged with 37 child sex offenses against 19 victims over 41 years.
65岁的David Pickthall是布伦特伍德和哈林的前合唱团主唱和教师,他被控在41年中对19名受害者犯有37项儿童性犯罪,包括猥亵攻击、观察私人行为和制作猥亵图像。 65-year-old David Pickthall, a former choirmaster and teacher in Brentwood and Havering, has been charged with 37 counts of child sex offenses, including indecent assault, observing private acts, and producing indecent images, against 19 victims over 41 years. Pickthall定于10月8日在Colchester治安法院出庭,Essex警察正在寻求更多资料,通过Crimestopers提供匿名举报选择。 Pickthall is due to appear in Colchester Magistrates' Court on October 8, and Essex Police are seeking additional information, with an anonymous reporting option available through Crimestoppers.