悉尼和墨尔本有不同的食物和饮料喜好,梅尔本尼人喜欢冰咖啡和红酒,悉尼人喜欢卡布奇诺和苏维翁白兰地。 Sydney and Melbourne have distinct food and drink preferences, with Melburnians favoring iced coffee and red wine, while Sydneysiders prefer cappuccinos and sauvignon blanc.
最近对来自Uber Eats、Menulog和DoorDash的食品供应应用数据进行分析后发现,澳大利亚两个最大的城市Sydney和墨尔本在食品和饮料方面有不同的偏好。 A recent analysis of food delivery app data from Uber Eats, Menulog, and DoorDash reveals that Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's two largest cities, have distinct preferences in food and drinks. 梅尔伯尼人喜欢吃冰咖啡 而悉尼人喜欢吃卡布奇诺 Melburnians tend to enjoy iced coffee, while Sydneysiders prefer cappuccinos. 对于酒精,新南威尔士州居民经常订购苏维翁酒、柠檬水和可乐,而维多利亚州人则选择红酒和VB(Victoria Bitter啤酒)。 For alcohol, NSW residents often order sauvignon blanc, lemonade, and cola, while Victorians opt for red wine and VB (Victoria Bitter beer). 两个州在首选的五种饮料中 都表现出了对伏特加的偏好 Both states show a preference for vodka in their top five drink choices. 鸡肉、比萨饼和汉堡是最受欢迎的膳食选择,其中Wagyu牛肉、薯片和意大利菜、墨西哥菜和亚洲菜的需求也很高。 Chicken, pizza, and burgers are the most popular meal choices, with wagyu beef, chips, and Italian, Mexican, and Asian cuisines also in high demand.