澳大利亚的研究揭示了巴瑟斯特、杜布博和橙色等城市是国内顶级交易寻求者。 Australian study reveals cities like Bathurst, Dubbo, and Orange as top deal seekers in the country.
BizCover最近进行的一项研究发现,澳大利亚中西部地区的城市,包括Bathurst、Dubbo和Orange等,是澳大利亚一些最热心的交易寻求者的家园。 A recent study by BizCover found that cities in Australia's Central West region, including Bathurst, Dubbo, and Orange, are home to some of the country's most enthusiastic deal-seekers. Sydney在这项研究中排名第一,对澳大利亚50个主要城市的600个与交易有关的谷歌搜索查询进行了分析。 Sydney ranked first in the study, which analyzed 600 deal-related Google search queries across 50 major Australian cities. Bathurst、Dubbo和Orange分别排在第二、第三和第四位。 Bathurst, Dubbo, and Orange placed second, third, and fourth respectively. 黑色星期五是巴瑟斯特和奥兰治最受欢迎的销售活动,而节礼日在达博的搜索中名列前茅。 Black Friday was the most popular sales event in Bathurst and Orange, while Boxing Day topped searches in Dubbo. 在全国,汽车、行李和行李以及体育设备是搜索最多的类别。 Nationally, automotive, bags and luggage, and sports equipment were the most searched-for categories.