斯里兰卡总统宣布第一座由LNG经营的发电厂Sobadhanavi 350兆瓦联合循环发电厂落成。 Sri Lankan President inaugurates first LNG-operated power plant, Sobadhanavi 350 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant.
斯里兰卡总统Ranil Wickremesinghe于8月28日在Kerawalapitiya为该国第一个由LNG经营的发电厂Sobadhanavi 350兆瓦联合循环发电厂揭幕。 Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe inaugurated the country's first LNG-operated power plant, Sobadhanavi 350 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, at Kerawalapitiya on August 28. 这是斯里兰卡能源部门和向更清洁和更可持续的能源过渡的一个重要里程碑。 This marks a significant milestone in Sri Lanka's energy sector and transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. 发电厂将促进国家的能源供应,支持长期经济增长。 The power plant will contribute to the nation's energy supply, supporting long-term economic growth.