斯里兰卡与阿达尼绿色能源签署了一份为期 20 年的 PPA,将在马纳尔和普纳林开发价值 4.42 亿美元的风力发电厂。 Sri Lanka signs a 20-year PPA with Adani Green Energy for $442M wind power plant development in Mannar & Poonerin.
斯里兰卡与印度阿达尼绿色能源公司签署了一份为期20年的购电协议,以在马纳尔和普纳林开发风力发电站。 Sri Lanka has signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with India's Adani Green Energy to develop wind power stations in Mannar and Poonerin. 阿达尼集团的可再生能源部门阿达尼绿色能源将投资 4.42 亿美元在该国开发 484 兆瓦的风力发电厂。 Adani Green Energy, the renewable energy arm of Adani Group, will invest $442 million and develop 484 MW wind power plants in the country. 根据协议,该公司将获得每千瓦时 8.26 美分的报酬。 The company will be paid 8.26 cents per kilowatt-hour as per the agreement. 阿达尼集团还参与了斯里兰卡最大港口科伦坡港价值 7 亿美元的码头项目。 Adani Group is also involved in a $700 million terminal project at Sri Lanka's largest port in Colombo.