社会媒体骗子冒充CJI DY Chandrachud, 要求为德里的出租车提供资金。 Social media scammer impersonates CJI DY Chandrachud, requesting money for a cab in Delhi.
一名社交媒体骗子冒充印度首席大法官DY Chandrachud, 要求500卢比的出租车, 并声称自己被困在康纳特广场. A social media scammer impersonated Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud, requesting Rs 500 for a cab and claiming to be stranded at Connaught Place. 骗子在他们的社交媒体资料中使用了 CJI 的姓名和图像,并声称需要钱买一辆出租车来参加在最高法院举行的紧急合议庭会议。 The scammer used the CJI's name and image in their social media profile and claimed to need the money for a cab to attend an urgent Collegium meeting at the Supreme Court. 印度最高法院的安全部门在社交媒体上发现这篇文章后向德里警方网络犯罪部门提出了投诉. The Supreme Court's security department filed a complaint with the Delhi Police's Cyber Crime department after noticing the viral post on social media.