孟买高等法院警告公众不要冒充法官的欺诈者,敦促不介入和报告。 Bombay High Court warns public of fraudsters impersonating judges, urges non-engagement and reporting.
孟买高等法院警告公众不要让欺诈者冒充法官,通过电话和电讯索要钱财。 The Bombay High Court has warned the public about fraudsters impersonating judges and demanding money through calls and messages. 个人应避免接触这些通讯, 并向当地警察和法院的节点官员拉杰德拉·T·维尔卡尔 (Rajendra T Virkar) 报告这些事件. Individuals are urged not to engage with these communications and to report incidents to local police and the court's Nodal Officer, Rajendra T Virkar. 在发出这一警告之前,发生了一起类似事件,涉及冒充印度首席大法官的虚假社交媒体账户。 This warning follows a similar incident involving a fake social media account impersonating the Chief Justice of India. 法庭正与执法部门合作打击这些骗局。 The court is collaborating with law enforcement to combat these scams.