Shokz发射 OpenRun Pro 2 带改进音频、电池寿命和多点配对的骨骼导电耳机。 Shokz launches OpenRun Pro 2 bone conduction headphones with improved audio, battery life, and multipoint pairing.
Shokz介绍了OpenRun Pro 2, 他们最新的跑者骨骼传导耳机, 音质改善,电池寿命延长, 多点配对。 Shokz introduces the OpenRun Pro 2, their latest bone conduction headphones for runners, with improved audio quality, longer battery life, and multipoint pairing. 这些轻量级、防水耳机将骨骼传导与空气传导结合起来,以获得更清晰的音频和更安全的听觉体验。 These lightweight, water-resistant headphones combine bone conduction with air conduction for clearer audio and a safer listening experience. " OpenRun Pro 2 " 提供最长12小时的电池寿命,5分钟内2.5小时监听的快速充电功能,可用两种尺寸和黑或橙末。 The OpenRun Pro 2 offers up to 12 hours of battery life, a quick charge function for 2.5 hours of listening in 5 minutes, and is available in two sizes and black or orange finishes.