2017年,耐克推出了碳纤维板和新技术的"超级鞋",影响了运动表现,但缺乏数据支持个性化的鞋类选择. 2017's introduction of Nike's "super shoe" with carbon-fibre plates and new technologies impacted athletic performance, but lack of data supports personalized shoe choices.
文章强调跑鞋对运动表现的影响, 专注于奥运会选手本·弗拉纳根和其他跑步者, The article highlights the impact of running shoes on athletic performance, focusing on Olympian Ben Flanagan and other runners who have experienced the benefits of new technologies in these shoes. 耐克(Nike)于2017年推出的“超级鞋”崛起, 其特点是碳纤维板、轻量级中叶材料、额外衬垫、改良设计, The rise of the "super shoe," introduced by Nike in 2017 and featuring carbon-fibre plates, lightweight midsole materials, extra cushioning, and improved design, has significantly influenced the sport. 然而,缺乏实质性数据支持这样一种信念,即某些鞋更适合特定的选手。 However, there is a lack of substantive data supporting the belief that certain shoes are better suited for specific runners. 文章建议娱乐赛跑者到经营中商店收集各种鞋类模型的信息,并要求得到反馈,以缩小基于每周里程和平均运行时间的选择范围。 The article suggests that recreational runners visit a running store to gather information on various shoe models and ask for feedback to narrow down choices based on weekly mileage and average run duration.