连环杀手杰里米·斯基比奇 (Jeremy Skibicki) 在 4 名原住民妇女死亡中被判一级谋杀罪,在温尼伯面临判决。 Serial killer Jeremy Skibicki convicted of first-degree murder in 4 Indigenous women's deaths, facing sentencing in Winnipeg.
连环杀手Jeremy Skibicki在2022年杀害四名土著妇女时被判一级谋杀罪,将在温尼伯判刑。 Serial killer Jeremy Skibicki, convicted of first-degree murder in the 2022 slayings of four Indigenous women, will face sentencing in Winnipeg. Skibicki的信念凸显了加拿大土著妇女和女孩失踪和被谋杀的问题。 Skibicki's conviction highlights the ongoing issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada. 他将被判处无期徒刑,25年不得假释。 He will receive a life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years. 在另一起案件中,预计将在渥太华对被控1991年性攻击的前副将Haydn Edmundson作出判决。 In another case, a verdict is expected in Ottawa for former vice-admiral Haydn Edmundson, accused of sexual assault in 1991. 在大西洋加拿大,一份报告呼吁省政府解决收入与基本生活费用之间的差距问题,因为生活工资率是可比的,但生活费用却并非如此。 In Atlantic Canada, a report calls for provincial governments to address the gap between earnings and basic living costs, as living wage rates are comparable, but the cost of living is not. 不列颠哥伦比亚省HandyDART过境服务工人拒绝了最后的合同提议,他们的工会目前正在考虑采取进一步行动。 British Columbia's HandyDART transit service workers rejected a final contract offer, and their union is now considering further actions. 加拿大保险局报告说,贾斯珀的野火是艾伯塔省历史上第二大保险损失最昂贵的野火,损失超过8.8亿美元。 The Insurance Bureau of Canada reports that the wildfire in Jasper is the second-most expensive one in Alberta's history for insured losses, with over $880 million in damages.