Jeremy Skibicki因在2022年杀害四名土著妇女而被判处25年不得假释的无期徒刑。 Winnipeg serial killer Jeremy Skibicki sentenced to life with no parole for 25 years for killing four Indigenous women in 2022.
A Winnipeg连环杀手Jeremy Skibicki在被判4项一级谋杀罪后被判处终身监禁25年,无假释机会。 A Winnipeg serial killer, Jeremy Skibicki, was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years after being convicted of four counts of first-degree murder. 2022年,Skibicki杀害了4名土著妇女,在城市无家可归的庇护所以她们为目标。 Skibicki killed four Indigenous women in 2022, targeting them at homeless shelters in the city. 法官驳回了Skibicki关于他不应因精神失常而被追究刑事责任的论点,他说他知道自己的行为在道德上是错误的。 The judge rejected Skibicki's argument that he should not be held criminally responsible due to a mental disorder, stating that he was aware his actions were morally wrong. 预计受害者家属和支持者以及土著倡导组织将在判刑听证会上发言,说明加拿大土著妇女和女孩失踪和被谋杀的问题。 Families and supporters of the victims, as well as an Indigenous advocacy organization, are expected to present statements during the sentencing hearing, shedding light on the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada.