萨弗朗建筑公司更新了抵押贷款标准,扩大了收入评估,增加了LTV限额,并降低了买入租的ICR. Saffron Building Society updates mortgage criteria, expands income assessment, increases LTV limit, and reduces buy-to-let ICR.
Saffron Building Society 更新了其抵押贷款标准,加强了对拥有养老金和投资资金的借款人的收入和负担能力评估,将签证申请人的 LTV 限额从 75% 提高到 90%,并接受配偶签证和预定居身份。 Saffron Building Society has updated its mortgage criteria, enhancing income and affordability assessment for borrowers with pension and investment pots, increasing LTV limit for visa applicants to 90% from 75%, and accepting spousal visas and pre-settled status. 对于买到租房的房东,利息保险率要求从125%降至110%。 For buy-to-let landlords, the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR) requirement has been reduced to 110% from 125%. 这些变化旨在帮助放款人批准更为复杂的案件,并解决借款人不断变化的需求。 These changes aim to help the lender approve more complex cases and address borrowers' evolving needs.