墨西哥总统因司法批评而中止与美国、加拿大大使馆的关系。 Mexico's President suspends relations with US, Canadian embassies over judiciary criticism.
墨西哥总统安德烈斯·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥布拉多(Andrés Manuel López Obrador)在两国大使批评他改革墨西哥司法机构的计划后,中止了与美国和加拿大大使馆的关系。 Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has suspended relations with the US and Canadian embassies after ambassadors from both countries criticized his plans to overhaul Mexico's judiciary. 美国大使肯·萨拉扎(Ken Salazar)将这项提案描述为对民主的“风险”和对墨西哥与美国的商业关系的潜在威胁。 The US ambassador, Ken Salazar, described the proposal as a "risk" to democracy and a potential threat to Mexico's commercial relationship with the US. 中止不适用于整个国家之间的关系,目的是鼓励外交代表尊重墨西哥的独立和主权。 The suspension does not apply to relations between the countries as a whole and is intended to encourage diplomatic representatives to respect Mexico's independence and sovereignty.