加拿大贾斯珀国家公园发生山火,导致疏散令、高速公路封闭和进入紧急状态。 Wildfire in Jasper National Park, Canada, leads to evacuation order, highway closure, and state of emergency.
一场野火威胁着贾斯珀国家公园和加拿大贾斯珀镇,迫使政府下令对居民和公园游客进行疏散。 A wildfire threatens Jasper National Park and the town of Jasper, Canada, prompting an evacuation order for residents and park visitors. 这场位于该镇南部的山火已导致穿过贾斯珀国家公园的 16 号高速公路关闭。 The wildfire, located south of the town, has led to the closure of Highway 16 through Jasper National Park. 建议该地区的居民沿 16 号高速公路向西行驶至不列颠哥伦比亚省,并遵循当地政府的指示。 Those in the area are advised to head west on Highway 16 toward British Columbia and follow local authorities' directions. 贾斯珀市因山火已宣布进入紧急状态。 The Municipality of Jasper has declared a state of emergency due to the wildfire.