由于存在欺诈问题, 印度的 UPSC 采用了基于 Aadhaar 的自愿认证. India's UPSC adopts Aadhaar-based voluntary authentication for exams due to cheating concerns.
印度联邦公务员委员会(UPSC)在对欺骗和冒名顶替的担心之后,在登记和考试期间,采用了基于Aadhaar的自愿认证方法,对候选人的身份进行身份核实。 India's Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has adopted Aadhaar-based voluntary authentication for candidates' identity verification during registration and exams, following concerns over cheating and impersonation. 这一决定是在IAS干事Puja Khedkar因欺诈企图而取消其候选资格之后作出的。 This decision comes after the cancellation of probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar's candidature due to fraudulent attempts. 为了防止不当行为, UPSC还考虑面部识别和基于人工智能的CCTV监控系统. UPSC is also considering facial recognition and AI-based CCTV surveillance systems to prevent malpractices.