通过手提箱走私到英国机场的大麻增加,NCA 敦促加强安全。 Cannabis smuggling into UK airports via suitcases increases, NCA urges enhanced security.
走私到联合王国机场的大麻数量显著增加,转运毒品的首选方法是手提箱。 Cannabis smuggling into UK airports has seen a significant increase, with suitcases being the preferred method of transporting the drugs. 安全系统侦破率低,使走私者得以逃避当局。 Security systems have low detection rates, allowing smugglers to evade authorities. 虽然走私的大麻数量有所增加,但由于价格降低和数量增加,总价值有所下降。 While the quantity of cannabis being smuggled has increased, the overall value has decreased due to lower prices and larger volumes. 国家犯罪署敦促加强安全措施和监督,以打击这一日益严重的问题。 The National Crime Agency (NCA) is urging enhanced security measures and surveillance to combat this growing issue.