最高法院命令 IMA 主席在一周内提供 20 版《印度教徒》并清晰道歉。 Supreme Court orders IMA President to provide 20 editions of The Hindu with legible apology within a week.
最高法院已指示印度医学协会 (IMA) 主席 R V Asokan 博士在一周内提供 20 版《印度教徒报》的实体副本,他在报纸上就他在接受 PTI 采访时发表的“破坏性”言论发表了无条件道歉。 The Supreme Court has directed Indian Medical Association (IMA) President Dr. R V Asokan to provide physical copies of 20 editions of The Hindu newspaper within one week, where he published an unconditional apology over his "damaging" statements in an interview with PTI. 法院认定,向它提出的道歉节录是“不可接受”,因为字体微弱。 The court found the excerpt of the apology filed before it as "illegible" due to the minuscule font. Asokan最初的道歉是针对他在PTI采访中就最高法院和Patanjali Ayurved有限公司的评论作出的。 Asokan's initial apology was made in response to his comments about the Supreme Court and Patanjali Ayurved Ltd in the PTI interview. 法院正在设法核实道歉的实际规模和在报纸上所作的道歉,以确保道歉符合要求。 The court is seeking to verify the actual size and placement of the apology in the newspaper to ensure it meets the requirements.