SpaceX推迟了Pollaris Dawn私人空间行走飞行任务,原因是氦泄漏,推迟了8月27日的发射。 SpaceX postpones Polaris Dawn private spacewalk mission due to helium leak, delaying launch from August 27th.
SpaceX推迟了发射其有史以来第一次私人太空行走飞行任务,即北极黎明号,因为有氦泄漏。 SpaceX has postponed the launch of its historic first-ever private spacewalk mission, Polaris Dawn, due to a helium leak. 由连续空间企业家Jared Isaacman率领的四人飞行任务最初定在8月27日,但至少推迟到8月28日。 The four-person mission, led by serial space entrepreneur Jared Isaacman, was initially set for August 27th but has been delayed until at least August 28th. 该飞行任务包括有史以来第一次商业空间行走,机组人员将进行实验和穿戴SpaceX新开发的EVA服的空间行走。 The mission includes the first-ever commercial spacewalk, and the crew will conduct experiments and spacewalks wearing SpaceX's newly developed EVA suits. 北极黎明旨在从生命和材料研究中产生宝贵的科学数据,为更多的商业飞行任务和空间旅游铺平道路。 Polaris Dawn aims to generate valuable scientific data from life and materials research studies, potentially paving the way for more commercial missions and space tourism.