2024 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的Sarsang储藏区面积为1 065公顷,达到创纪录的高地面积。 2024 Sarsang Reservoir in Nagorno-Karabakh reaches record-high surface area of 1,065 hectares.
据Azernews引述“Azercosmos”的报导, 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的Sarsang储藏区在2024年达到创纪录的1 065公顷地表面积。 The Sarsang Reservoir in Nagorno-Karabakh reached a record-high surface area of 1,065 hectares in 2024, as reported by Azernews citing "Azercosmos". 这一增加是在多年来水位波动之后发生的,并努力恢复水库的生态系统。 This increase follows years of fluctuating water levels, with efforts made to restore the reservoir's ecosystem. 作为加拉巴格最大的水域,萨尔桑水库对该地区的经济和环境具有战略意义,阿塞克斯莫斯继续监测和分析水资源以有效利用. As the largest water basin in Garabagh, Sarsang Reservoir holds strategic importance for the region's economy and surroundings, and "Azercosmos" continues to monitor and analyze water resources for efficient use.