新西兰联邦农民组织敦促奥塔戈区域理事会以透明度和费用问题为由,推迟新的淡水规则。 New Zealand's Federated Farmers urges Otago Regional Council to delay new freshwater rules, citing transparency and cost concerns.
新西兰联邦农民敦促奥塔戈区域理事会推迟通知新的淡水规则,并公布全部费用。 New Zealand's Federated Farmers urges Otago Regional Council to delay notification of new freshwater rules and disclose full costs. 该团体的Otago主席Luke Kane批评该理事会缺乏透明度, 并担心新水条例适用Te Mana o Te Wai原则。 The group's Otago president, Luke Kane, criticizes the council's lack of transparency, with concerns over the application of Te Mana o Te Wai principle in new water regulations. 环境部长Penny Simmonds也致函理事会,对新规则的潜在成本和影响表示关切。 Environment Minister Penny Simmonds has also written to the council expressing concerns about potential costs and implications of the new rules.