Greenville的Judson Mills区完成了60M元的翻修,增加了181套新的阁楼公寓。 Judson Mill District in Greenville completes $60M renovation, adding 181 new loft apartments.
南卡罗来纳州Greenville的Judson Mills区完成了60M元的翻修,在历史遗迹上增加了181套新的阁楼公寓。 Judson Mill District in Greenville, South Carolina completes $60M renovation, adding 181 new loft apartments to the historic site. 自2019年以来,已经投入1亿多美元振兴面粉厂,使其成为办公室、餐馆、酿酒厂、零售和娱乐场所。 Since 2019, over $100M has been invested into the mill's revitalization, transforming it into office, restaurant, brewery, retail, and entertainment spaces. 最后项目阶段包括将历史上的Jenny和Westervelt两区改建为住宅阁楼。 The final project phase includes converting the historic Jenny and Westervelt sections into residential lofts. 租赁开始于2025年初,预计施工将于2025年Q2完成。 Leasing begins early 2025, with construction completion expected in Q2 2025.