加拿大锯木厂设备制造商Carbotech集团计划在SC斯巴登堡县开设一个3 400万美元的设施,到2026年创造35个就业机会。 Canadian sawmill equipment manufacturer Carbotech Group plans to open a $3.4M facility in Spartanburg County, SC, creating 35 jobs by 2026.
加拿大锯木厂设备制造商Carbotech Group宣布计划在斯巴登堡州开设第一个南卡罗来纳州设施。 Carbotech Group, a Canadian sawmill equipment manufacturer, announced plans to open its first South Carolina facility in Spartanburg County. 投资3 400万美元,即14 000平方英尺的14 000平方英尺设施,将创造35个新的就业机会,并专门提高锯木厂和规划厂的业务效率。 Investing $3.4M, the 14,000 sq-ft facility will create 35 new jobs and specialize in operational efficiency for sawing and planing mills. 预计该设施将在南卡罗来纳州商务部和地方经济发展小组的支持下,于2026年全面投入使用。 The facility is expected to be fully operational by 2026, with support from the South Carolina Department of Commerce and local economic development teams.