ITV宣布为北爱尔兰的新游戏剧选选。ITV announces casting for a new gameshow in Northern Ireland.
爱尔兰的ITV正在为北爱尔兰的新游戏节目进行选秀.ITV is casting for a new gameshow in Northern Ireland.关于节目的详细信息有限,但有兴趣的申请人应该访问官方的选角网站以获取更多信息.Details about the show are limited, but interested applicants should visit the official casting website for more information.这是一个独特的机会, 成为一个新 和令人兴奋的事业的一部分 在ITV上。This is a unique opportunity to be a part of a new and exciting venture on ITV.