RTE公布2025年的节目时间表, 包括流行表演、现场运动、爱尔兰语内容。 RTÉ unveils 2025 schedule featuring popular shows, live sports, and Irish language content.
爱尔兰广播员RTE已发布其2025年时间表, 以流行节目如《与星共舞》和《汤米·蒂尔南秀》为主。 Irish broadcaster RTÉ has released its 2025 schedule, featuring popular shows like "Dancing with the Stars" and "The Tommy Tiernan Show." 包括爱尔兰节目的新季节、冠军联盟和六国等现场体育赛事以及纪录片。 The lineup includes new seasons of Irish programs, live sports events like Champions League and Six Nations, and documentaries. 爱尔兰语内容和儿童节目也将突出介绍,同时通过2FM Rising重点介绍爱尔兰新兴艺术家。 Irish language content and programming for children will also be featured, along with a focus on emerging Irish artists through 2FM Rising.