坎贝尔堡于8月28日举办了一年一度的全系统后全面应急演习。 Fort Campbell conducts annual post-wide full-scale emergency response exercise on August 28.
Campbell堡定于8月28日进行一次全面应急演习,以根据现实情况测试其应急准备情况。 Fort Campbell is set to conduct a post-wide full-scale emergency response exercise on August 28, to test its emergency preparedness in response to realistic scenarios. 年度活动对于确定优势和有待改进的领域、促进持续学习和适应至关重要。 The annual event is crucial for identifying strengths and areas of improvement, promoting continuous learning and adaptation. 在演习期间,平民和军人可能会注意到急救人员的增加,交通指导的数字标志,以及应急服务仍然可用于现实世界紧急情况. During the exercise, civilians and military personnel may notice an increased presence of first responders, digital signs guiding traffic, and emergency services remaining available for real-world emergencies.